• Are your countertops buried under piles of catalogs and unopened mail?
  • Do you rush to jam things in closets and drawers when company is coming?
  • Do you ever buy duplicates of things because you can't find the old one?
  • Do you find yourself constantly answering questions like, "Mom, where's my soccer uniform?"

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, Out From Under can help!

Disorganization and chaos are inherently stressful. Let Out From Under Professional Organizing help you organize your home to be functional and peaceful. Physical decluttering and good use of space is part of being organized, but not all of it. You'll also need systems that work - for everyone in the family - and some discipline to carry them out.

I believe that being organized isn't a talent you're born with - it's a series of skills and habits that anyone can develop. A commitment to being organized is a positive reflection of how you value your own time and effort. I can work with you to design systems and storage solutions that make sense to you and your family, and will be simple to maintain.

Read what previous clients have to say about getting Out From Under at home.

"Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." - William Morris

©2022 Maxine Gautier     978-857-5513    info@ofuorganizing.com